1C: Minimal viable product

On the concept level of start-up, the third important element is the creation and presence of a minimal viable product. There are many models to choose from; I look at customer intimacy, product functionality, and the processes underneath it. On a more strategic and corporate level, these three elements represent the strategic directions of a company.

Just like the weeks before: please give me your feedback and help me improve! For inspiration, also have a look at the first two elements.

1C: Minimal viable product

Customer intimacy

The insights you have used to create the product or service is key. You want to touch the reason to buy. The product is proof that you have created something that fulfills customer needs. Make a connection between the insights and the product, as such a level it can be shown and tested in live circumstances. In several models, this is referred to as usability.

Product functionality

This one seems obvious, but often it is not so obvious. Does the product work and does it also have the potential to grow or improve? The higher quality is achieved, the more it will convince investors and customers. Are the specs and USP’s clear, does the product represent them?

Operational processes

If the product matches customer needs and the product does meet the specs,
the next question is if the operational processes are in place, or at least solidly developed. So, if the company and the production starts it doesn’t break down. In several models, this is referred to as reliability.

If you’d like to know more about my company and how we can help you grow or if you’re interested in partnering with us, please feel free to contact me.