3B: Excellent marketing

On the commercial level of the framework, you could write an entire book on every single item. Suggesting I know the best three items per element, would therefore not be useful. You need to have the basics in place. For me, the following three elements of excellent marketing are important. Let’s read, discuss and improve!

3B: Excellent marketing

Sales orientation

The most important output of a marketing campaign or action is to be sales orientated. The objective is to create sales qualified leads, not to perform the most brilliant campaign ever from a marketing perspective. Marketing supports sales. So, acquiring new customers or deep selling on existing customers should be leading.


In the overkill of campaigning, you need to be original. Try to be different from any other campaign and company. Originality pays. Off course you have to have the basics in place — but go out of the box with campaigning. Originality doesn’t always mean being totally different from others. At least create something to remember.

Measuring results

Marketing is not only about creating and executing campaigns, it is essential that results are measured. Marketing is accountable for their activities as well. But more important, marketing is all about creating, executing, measuring, evaluating and improving; continuously!

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